Improve your business's online visibility by optimizing it for leading search engines to recommend it to potential customers. 

Receive exclusive recommendations today!

Be the first company your customers see.

Your Competitive Edge

Your customers will see your company as a "suggested term" before they ever have a chance to see your competition.  Get to your customers first with Autocomplete-Optimization.

Find out more

Search Box Optimizations Agency BRINGS YOU LEADS.

What is Search Box Optimizations Agency ?

Search Box Optimizations Agency allows you to be in the auto-complete for Google and Bing.  Your customers see you first and bypass your competition.  If you are looking for a huge advantage over your competition, then find the best keyword phrases in your industry and own the Search Box Optimizations Agency.


Google says that about 71% of the searches use the auto-complete.  That's where you will be.

We are capable of delivering results for you..

Thinking Creatively or Unconventionally.

While companies invest significant funds in SEO and Pay-Per-Click advertising, we help you secure a spot in Google and Bing's auto-complete suggestions, making your business more visible to potential customers than your competitors.

Fundamental Components of Achieving Success.

By securing a spot in the auto-complete suggestions, your business will be the sole company visible to your customers, enabling you to surpass your competitors. Additionally, by being the preferred choice in the auto-complete, your business will own the entire first page of search results.  

Watch The Video To Gain Further Insights. 

Cost Effective

By securing a spot in the auto-complete suggestions, you can avoid spending large sums of money on costly pay-per-click campaigns and SEO. Additionally, by owning the entire first page of search results, your business can increase its online visibility without significant financial investment.

Advantage over Competitors

By selecting a targeted keyword phrase, your business will appear before any of your competitors whenever potential customers search for that phrase. 

Exclusive Rights

We ensure exclusivity for your chosen keyword phrase by never selling it to another company, making your business the only one listed for that phrase. 

Take prompt action as once a keyword phrase is taken by your competitors, it becomes unavailable.

  • Choose the most relevant keyword phrases that your customers use to search for your business.

  • Whenever someone searches for your chosen keyword phrase on Google or Bing, your business will appear in the search results.

  • Reduce the costs of your pay-per-click campaign by enabling potential customers to find your business directly through search engines.

  • Enhance your online authority by encouraging customers to search for your business by its name.

  • Our Search Box Optimization program guarantees quick results, with the possibility of acquiring new customers within 45 days or less.

Acquire more customers with our affordable and effective solution.

Increase your online visibility by appearing in front of your customers on every search. 

Our marketing platform is exclusive to your business, giving you a distinct advantage over your competitors. You can be the first company that potential customers see when searching for your product or service.

  • Acquire new customers while surpassing your competition.

  • Maximize your online visibility by appearing in front of every potential customer searching for your business on Google and Bing.

  • Our programs are affordable and cater to your specific budget requirements.

  • We provide ongoing support and monthly reporting to keep you informed about the progress of your online visibility.

  • Our platform is compatible with all computer and mobile devices, ensuring that your business is visible to potential customers regardless of the device they use.

Dominate the first page of search results on both Google and Bing search engines. 

Our objective is to ensure that your company is the sole focus on the entire first page of search results, providing you with exclusive exposure.

Innovative Technology

Our cutting-edge technology gives you a competitive edge, which is unparalleled in the industry. No other provider offers this unique technology.

Straightforward Process

The process is hassle-free. Simply select the keyword phrases that attract customers to your business, and leave the rest to us.

Effective Globally

Although you might only target customers in your city, anyone searching for your keyword phrase will find you, no matter where they are in the world.

Optimized For Mobile Devices

Our technology is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that your customers can find you easily from their computer, tablet, or smartphone. 


We offer a cost-effective solution to help you gain a competitive edge over your rivals. Our service is designed to fit your budget while still delivering excellent results.

Our onboarding process is straightforward.

Our program is designed to be accessible and affordable, ensuring that everyone can benefit from our technology and gain more customers. Rest assured, we will never sell your chosen keyword phrase to anyone else. Once you purchase a keyword phrase, it's exclusively yours, and your competition won't be able to obtain it.

Need More Convincing?

Question: Do we have to keep paying while we wait for our business to show up in Bing and Google auto-complete? 

Answer:  No.  After you make your initial reservation fee, you will not make another payment until one of your keywords is in auto-complete.

Question: Will I show up on mobile searches?

Answer:  Yes.  You will show up on all devices in Google and Bing.

Question: How long will it take for our company to show up in auto-complete?

Answer:  You will typically start seeing your company in Bing within 45-60 days, and you will start seeing your company in Google within 75-120 days.

Local, National & Worldwide Businesses

We offer marketing programs suitable for businesses of all sizes, whether you're a local, national, or an international company.

Local Marketing Program

If you're a local business looking to outshine your competition, our Local Search Box Optimization program can help. We can put you in front of potential customers searching for your specific products or services at the exact moment they are searching. We'll work with you to identify the most effective keyword phrases for your business and help you implement a program to capture them.

National Marketing Program

If your company has offices across the country or provides services to clients on a national level, we can assist you in reaching thousands of potential customers every month with our national Autocomplete-Optimization marketing program. We will work with you to create a personalized marketing plan that drives new business and puts you ahead of the competition. 

We can get you results.

Personalized & Exclusive Support

We provide exclusive support by keeping you informed with regular reports on the progress of your Search BoxOptimization campaign. You'll be notified every time your selected keyword phrases show up in Google or Bing search results, allowing you to prepare for and capitalize on potential new customers.

Straightforward Process

We simplify the process for you. Just inform us of the most commonly used keyword phrases to find your business online, and we'll position your company in front of those potential customers.

What They Say

We saw the results.  When our customers search for adoption services in Canada, our name shows in the auto-suggest, and customers are using this to find us.  The Autocomplete-Optimization program works great.

- Mr. Brown
Canada Adoption

We opted to get as many keyword phrases as possible so we could own the search market.  We are extremely happy.  They deliver the results they promise.

- Mr. Jesse
Dallas Mortgages

Start today and dominate the most popular keyword phrases your customers use to find you.